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Romanian Women Voices in North America / Ep. 6: Anca Mizumschi & Adela Sinclair

Women writers dominate the literature written by Romanians in North America. Our literary series, turning the spotlight on this phenomenal wave of creativity, organized in partnership with Denver-based Bucharest Inside the Beltway, brings together the largest group of Romanian-American and Romanian-Canadian women writers we have ever assembled in cyberspace. The program, co-curated with author and academic Cristina A. Bejan, offers a series of readings full of passion, truth and skill to match a time of tumult and reinvention.  

The sixth episode features authors Anca Mizumschi and Adela Sinclair. The English translation of Anca Mizumschi's work is read by Cristina A. Bejan.

ANCA MIZUMSCHI SIMION is a Romanian author who lives in Phoenix, Arizona. Her works include poetry: Est, 1993,Opera Capitală, 1996, Poze cu zimți,  2008, Anca lui Noe, 2009, Versouri, 2010, În moalele cerului, 2012, Carte de citire, 2012, Madrugada, 2013, Metropolitana, 2018; anthologies: (selection) Strong Romanian-Polish Anthology, 1997, Polish Cultural Institute, 27 Romanian Poets - Om jag inte får tala med någon nu (Dacă nu am cu cine vorbi acum), Tranan Publishing House, Stockholm, 2011, Tranzbordare, Max Blecher Publishing House Bucharest, 2013, The Most Beautiful Romanian Poems in 2012, Tracus Arte Publishing House Bucharest, 2013. Her latest book, My Suspended Land (Țara mea suspendată), Herg Benet Publishing House, 2018, received the Book of the Year award for a Romanian writer living in diaspora, Dublin, Ireland, 2019. Recently, her poems have been included in the Chinese selection of Romanian Contemporary Poetry. Her poems are translated into Swedish, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Hungarian, Albanese, Czech, and Chinese. As a psychologist and social activist Anca Mizumschi Simion has published articles and essays on several Romanian media outlets, her main areas of interest covering the concepts of dignity as social construct, collective imaginary, expressive art therapy, and therapeutic writing.

ADELA SINCLAIR is a Romanian American poet, translator, and teacher. Fluent in English, French, and Romanian, poetry is her primary, though not exclusive, medium. She is inspired by the Romanian poets and intellectuals of the ‘70s and ‘80s, such as Nina Cassian, Ana Blandiana and Nichita Stanescu, as well as the New York City School of Poets like John Ashbery and Frank O’Hara. Her poetry explores themes of cultural identity, memory, loss, trauma, and desire. Her work appears on “The Bridge,” published by Brooklyn Poets, and Tupelo Press’ “30/30 Project.” Adela is currently working with an editor on her first full-length poetry collection, “The Butcher’s Granddaughter,” a lyrical memoir of her childhood in Romania. She has performed her poetry all over New York City including the Yale Club, 92nd Street Y, Bowery Poetry Club, Poet’s House, Brooklyn Poets, Books are Magic, KGB Bar, Saint Francis College, and Writer’s Voice at the JCC. She is a founding member and poetry editor of the emerging literary magazine, “Unbound Brooklyn,” and volunteers with Ugly Duckling Presse in Brooklyn. Adela was a poet-in-residence at Gallery RIVAA, a New York City art gallery, where she led poetry workshops. She also worked as their Events Director and Special Promotions Curator, where she hosted book readings for “Unorthodox” by Deborah Feldman, “The Luminist” by David Rocklin, “Echo Train” by Aaron Fagan, and several book launches for Nina Cassian, a trusted confidante, mentor, friend and beloved neighbor for more than ten years. Adela produced/co-hosted the radio show “Notebook Writer” on Blog Talk Radio where she interviewed such writers as Amy Tan, author of “The Joy Luck Club.”

Next authors in the series: Alina Ștefănescu, Lucia Cherciu, Amanda L. Andrei, and Andreea Scridon.

Watch the previous episodes here:

The program is organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York and Bucharest Inside the Beltway with the support of NARPA - North American Romanian Press Association.


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