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RCI President Liviu Jicman Takes Over as President of EUNIC, the Global Network of EU’s Cultural Institutes

Updated: Jun 28

We are excited to announce that Mr. Liviu Jicman, the President of the Romanian Cultural Institute, has taken over the Presidency of EUNIC, the global network of European Union’s cultural institutes and the principal cultural diplomacy arm of Europe in the world. In his inaugural speech, delivered during EUNIC’s General Assembly meeting in Bucharest today, Mr. Jicman set forth the main goals of his one-year tenure. His mandate will focus on strengthening the strategic partnership between EUNIC and the EU institutions, on enhancing the dialog and collaboration with partners in Europe and beyond, on encouraging support for existing clusters in less represented regions, on unifying EUNIC positions on key global issues, and on creating large collaborative EUNIC projects to be itinerated throughout the world. Support of Republic of Moldova and Ukraine on their European path will also constitute a priority. Mr. Jicman is the second RCI President to chair EUNIC after Mr. Horia-Roman Patapievici, who headed the European cultural diplomacy in 2010-11.

Message on the occasion of the EUNIC General Assembly,

19-20 June 2024, Bucharest

Esteemed colleagues and guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,


It is a pleasure for me to welcome you all to Bucharest for the EUNIC General Assembly. I hope this morning you have already immersed yourselves in the cultural atmosphere of our capital city.


I also extend my warm welcome to this magnificent venue, the National Bank of Romania, a historic architectural gem in Bucharest's Old City Center, blending eclectic and neo-classical styles. Following this theme, tomorrow's meeting will take place in the former Commodity Exchange building, known as The Ark, situated in a neighborhood destroyed by the communist regime's policies.


I hope your time in Bucharest will inspire you to return and explore more of Romania's rich culture and stunning landscapes.


Turning to our agenda today, I first want to express my gratitude to Camilla for her outstanding leadership as President of EUNIC and for her kind words today. I deeply appreciate your vision and commitment to advancing EUNIC's global objectives and fostering dialogue within the network.


I firmly advocate for a collaborative approach as the most effective means for our network to promote the role of culture in international relations and to become a strategic partner of the EU at the global level. As President of EUNIC, I will advocate for the collaborative mechanisms within our clusters, enhancing institutes' activities where they are underrepresented. This approach not only amplifies our cultural impact and policy influence but also strengthens our diplomatic engagement.


My agenda includes encouraging support for existing clusters in less represented regions, establishing more flexible frameworks for decentralized cooperation, and enhancing communication and visibility of EUNIC and its unique operational model. As President, I endorse an organizational approach that focuses on both EU and non-EU contexts, while respecting the autonomy of our clusters and upholding EUNIC's core values and operational mechanisms.


Central to my presidency is the belief that EUNIC’s vision, mission, and values are best promoted through concerted efforts to unify our voices on key global issues. common voice on a certain number of topics that we consider to be representative and fertile to be highlighted on the global agenda. Not only do we profit more if we align our individual organizations goals to EUNIC Strategic Framework and the European cultural agenda, but the more we choose to speak with a common voice, the stronger we are.


Respectful of diversity, but stronger through our alignment. United in diversity.


Becoming a strategic partner of the EU at the global level requires us to navigate rapidly changing political, societal, and environmental landscapes and to take clear stances on issues of shared concern. I welcome our collective stance in condemning Russian aggression in Ukraine and supporting its European integration. Additionally, I pledge to advocate for the Republic of Moldova’s path towards EU accession during my tenure. These efforts underline the power of cultural diplomacy in navigating complex geopolitical realities.


A third pillar of my vision - illustrating a perfect blend of the collaborative mechanism and unique voice – refers to our take on cultural projects. I am interested in promoting an extended coproduction of collaborative artistic projects, conferences or workshops that could be later on itinerated at a larger scale, making it easier to be labelled or identified as EUNIC. Furthermore, I propose the creation of a series of debates under the label of “EUNIC Talks” to be itinerated in both EU and non-EU countries, and that could bring together topics of interest to better familiarize clusters with specific agendas, challenges, solutions, but also to create bridges between them.


Dear colleagues,

Ladies and gentlemen,


I look forward to engaging in ongoing dialogue throughout my term and during our time together in Bucharest. Our main agenda for this AG includes electing new colleagues to complete the leadership team and discussing priority topics such as supporting a European path for Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, and strategies to bolster EUNIC clusters worldwide.


I emphasize my commitment to open dialogue on any pertinent topics within our network and to enhancing the operational efficiency of EUNIC for the benefit of all members.


As we embark on this journey together, let us reaffirm our dedication to cultural diplomacy and the pursuit of shared goals for a stronger, more cohesive Europe and a more interconnected world. I invite each of you to actively participate in shaping the future of EUNIC, ensuring that our collective efforts leave a lasting impact on cultural relations globally.


Thank you once again for your commitment and contributions.


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