Illustration: "Homme Poubelle" / "Human Trashcan" by Andra Vișniec
A new radio adaptation of one of the best plays by internationally acclaimed Romanian-French author Matei Vișniec made its debut as a radio theater piece at Trafika Europe Radio with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institutes in New York and London and University of the Arts London. Echoing the current times, "Decomposed Theatre", translated by Jozefina Komporaly, follows the disruptive effects of three plagues falling upon an ordinary community, revealing the difficulties and challenges of coping with major crisis and change.
The performance is part of the Trafika Europe Radio Theater online series and can be listened to HERE.
Following the broadcast, Trafika Europe director Andrew Singer hosted a conversation with playwright Matei Vișniec and translator Jozefina Komporaly.
by Matei Vișniec
Director: Kate O’Connor
Performer: Maria Forrester
Sound Designer: Sam Halmarack
A Trafika Europe Radio / Romanian Cultural Institute in New York / University of the Arts London (Research at Camberwell, Chelsea, Wimbledon Colleges of Arts) production with support from Romanian Cultural Institute in London

Matei Vișniec (born 1956) is a prolific Romanian-French writer of fiction, poetry and drama. His many awards include prizes from the Romanian Writers’ Union, the Romanian Theatre Union (UNITER), the Avignon Festival, the French Society of Writers and Composers, and the 2016 Jean Monnet Award for European Literature. In Romania, Vișniec has achieved quasi-canonical status since the fall of communism (his work was banned prior to 1989); most professional and amateur theatres stage his work on an ongoing basis, and the Suceava Theatre in Northeastern Romania was named in the playwright's honor.