Featuring: "St. Inochentie of Probota" Choir of Suceava

About the Event
Bukovina is a dream-like region in North-Eastern Romania, beloved for its ethereal beauty, unique social make-up, century-old traditions, and world-recognized monuments. As this busy year, in which we celebrated our 55th birthday, comes to a close, we bring a piece of stunning Bukovina to New York in sign of appreciation to our public and friends and in anticipation of the winter celebrations. We are pleased to introduce, as the evening’s special guest, the wonderful singers&players of the "St. Inochentie of Probota" Choir of Suceava, with an uplifting program of Byzantine music, rare Romanian carols, and winter songs. An evening offered in partnership with the Consulate General of Romania in New York.
The choir "St. Inochentie of Probota" is:
Father Constantin Magdalena – conductor and voice
Father Alexandru Sofian – assistant conductor and voice
Eusebiu Rusu – voice and guitar
Ștefan Tersina – voice and dramba
Gabriel Medrihan – voice and bendir
Ioan Pop – soloist and hurdy gurdy
Gabriel Mihăilă – pontic lyre
Flavius Luța – voice
About the Performers
Founded in 2013, the is made up of graduates of the Orthodox Theological Seminary of Suceava, clergy, theological students, and MA students and was formed under the guidance of Father Professor Constantin Magdalena. The choir has performed in Romania and abroad, including the U.S. and has collaborated regularly with renowned Psaltic ensembles. The choir toured North America in 2019, 2020 and 2023 at the invitation of The Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan of the Two Americas. Recent participations include: "Transylvania Byzantine" Music Festival in Brasov (2023) and "Iași Byzantine Music Festival" (2023). The choir is the recipient of The Order "Ciprian Porumbescu" and The Order "St. John the New" while its conductor, Father Professor Constantin Magdalena, was awarded the Order "Eustatie Protopsaltul", distinctions offered by the Archdiocese of Suceava and Rădăuți.
Featured photo by Sorin Onișor